LMC History
Lookout Mountain Camp for Boys
Every camper is treated as an individual. We make sure that their needs are taken care of and they enjoy a wide range of activities that will boost their self-confidence and happiness.
"Every boy who has attended camp has left his mark here forever!"
- Mr. Gray D. Morrison

Dr. J. A. Gorman

Mr. Gray D. Morrison
"Uncle Charlie"
"Every boy who has attended camp has left his mark here forever!"
- Mr. Gray D. Morrison
The Lookout Mountain Camp for Boys Has a Deep, Rich History…
The camp was founded in 1928 by Dr. J. A. Gorman and his Son-in-Law, Mr. Gray D. Morrison and continues to this day to be owned and operated by the same family. Countless boys have passed through the gates of LMC only to have their lives touched with memories that last a lifetime. Campers from across the Southeast have become lifelong friends. Boys from New Orleans, Atlanta, Montgomery, Birmingham, Nashville, Lafayette, Chattanooga, Greenwood, Memphis, Jackson, Baton Rouge, Savannah, Natchez, Miami, Charleston...are just a few of the towns where families throughout the years have had the opportunity to become acquainted with LMC. Although we predominantly have Campers from the Southeast, we do have Campers from all over the U.S. and internationally. Camp traditions that were established over 80 years ago continue today...and are thriving! The "Camper's Creed" still hangs in the Gym. The Campers are still selected to be "Greens or Whites." The whole camp still dresses in white for Sunday Vespers and "Best Cabin" is still awarded after the daily cabin inspections.
Lookout Mountain Camp was created to provide an outlet for young boys across the United States. Its original motto ..." Dedicated to the Youth of America"... still holds true. Alumni return to LMC and are simply astounded by what they see....nothing has changed! (YES!....you can go back home!) The original hand-hewn buildings are still there...the Lodge, built-in 1928, still houses its massive fireplace as it overlooks the river. The original Dining Hall is still there...the Stone House...the Gymnasium, Barn, Rifle Range, "Store", Wood Shop, Cabin Area, Tennis Cabin and everything else. Not only that, but the programs that were set in place at LMC so many years ago need no changing...we still do things the "old" way.... the way you remember it! Please browse through our collection of older photos...if you're an Alumnus, you may even find yourself in one of them! To those of you viewing this collection who have never attended but are considering LMC for your son, please pay close attention to the opening paragraph we've lifted and included from one of the first brochures LMC ever had. That paragraph (seen below) is as true today as it was then. The experience LMC has to offer is valuable and cherished. It is also one that your son will carry with him for the rest of his life. Don't take our word for it...ask someone who has been to Lookout Mountain Camp and experienced it. We have had over 7,000 alumni pass through our gates...and even though you may not know it yet,
...we're certain you know one of them!
Below Is the Opening Paragraph Found in a Lookout Mountain Camp Brochure Dated in the 1930’s:
"If you are looking for a "place to park" your boy, some convenient location for his summer's outing, you will not be interested in the contents of this brochure. If you are looking for something cheap, without regard for what you may be getting for your money, then we respectfully request that you read no further.
But if you have a sincere interest in the welfare of your boy, if you consider the next few months as a most valuable time in the formation of his character and outlook in life - then we ask you to give serious consideration to what we have to offer, the background and equipment of our Camp, the qualifications and personalities of our staff, which should inspire your boy to do his best to measure up to your own ideal.
This Camp is not operated automatically or as a robot; it is human, with a heart and a purpose and a plan. The main compensation of its owners has been the satisfaction derived from contact with the boys and the opportunity to be of real service to them in a program of character-building and physical development. Our program accords your son the opportunity to participate in a lifelong experience that simply cannot be found at home or in the school. In fact, the object of this Camp is solely in the interest of the development of the Boy and it is endowed to this purpose."
~ Dr. J. A. Gorman ~

Please enjoy below these photos from the past...we hope they bring back warm memories for those of you who've attended LMC...and for those of you who are now considering Lookout Mountain Camp for their son or grandson, we thank you for your consideration ...and we hope that future photos will include your son!
Photos From the 1950’s and 1960’s
Nostalgic Camp Memories
Through this website, we welcome alumni who have stories, photos, and mementos of their time as campers. Some examples are the patches sewn onto white jackets, items boys may have crafted in the wood or leather shop, archery bows made from lemon wood in the woodshop, and cedar lamps carved out on the lathe.
Connect With Other Campers
We anticipate developing an alumni page where we can keep interested individuals informed of activities such as Alumni Weekend. But more than that, we want to create a space where the alumni can reconnect with each other.
Sign Up for the Alumni List
Everyone who has spent a summer at Lookout Mountain Camp knows it is an experience that lasts a lifetime. If you are interested in contributing to our website or communicating with other ex-campers, send in provided contact form below.

Get in Touch
Before submitting the contact form, be sure to include your email address. We will need it to send you future camp updates and announcements. For any additional concerns or questions, send us a message.
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